Software Developer

Lebari Sunday - Profile Photo

Hello! I'm Lebari Sunday

I am on the verge of learning coding.

I am trying to become a software developer. I am looking forward to learning a lot. I am currently living in Reno, Nevada.

I graduated from Humboldt State Unviersity in 2018 and got my B.A in Sociology. I am currently trying to attend a coding bootcamp for software developement. I am interested in sports and many other hobbies. I love fishing.

Please take a look at my website and feel free to Contact Me!

About Lebari

After graduating college, I worked for the county of Humboldt. I worked specifically for DHHS in the Public Guardian division. I worked as a vocational assistant. My goal at the time was to try and become a social worker. With the pandemic hitting and source of income diminishing. Me and my wife decided to move to Reno, NV in search of better opportunities.

I've always been into computer developement and gaming. I can fix gaming console and many other devices. I finally built a huge interest in the IT industry seeing how I already have the talent. I am with Thinkful to help build my skills and succeed in this field as a student. I've begun my journey to becoming a software developer and couldn't be happier!

I am in the market as a new developer and aslo if you're looking for a somone to work with please reach out! I am very happy and can't wait to work with other developers. We are going to build awesome software.

Contact Lebari

I'd love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact me@:

  1. LinkedIn
  2. GitHub